Correspondence from Grady McMurtry to Lt. Thomas Grammer




7674 Jasmine Court

Dublin, Calif 94566



Oct 11, 1970



Lt. Thomas Grammer

Operations Division

Calaveras County Sheriff's Office

P.O. Box 1088

San Andreas, Calif 95249



Dear Lt. Grammer,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


On Sep 3, 1970, my wife and I visited you in regards to the robbery on Sep 3, 1967, of Mrs. Sascha Germer in West Point, Calif. During our discussion of the incident I gave you a xerox copy of an inventory of Mr. Karl Germer's library, dating from about 1961 approximately, and informed you of other robberies that appear to be connected with the incident involving Mrs. Germer. At that time you requested that I give you the dates of these other robberies. The dates are as follows:


Mrs. Mildred Burlingame


January 1966 (ritual taken)

October 1966 (books taken)


I believe Mrs. Burlingame's address at that time was


1245 Pine Ave

Long Beach, Calif 90813


However she can be contacted at present at


121 Brickyard Lane

Billings, Montana 59101


The robbery of Mrs. Germer was


Sep 3, 1967


as we have discussed.


The robbery of Dr. Francis I Regardie's [Israel Regardie] library


4332 Coldwater Canyon Ave

Studio City, Calif 91604


was Feb 18, 1969.


Dr. Regardie tells me that F.B.I. agent,


Mr. Ray E. Lindstrom

F.B.I., U.S. Department of Justice

11000 Wilshire Blvd

Los Angeles, Calif 90049


has been in contact with him about his own loss as well as to whether he might know the whereabouts of the Braytons, wanted by the F.B.I. on a fugitive warrant in connection with the "child brutality" case in Blythe (see enclosed xerox of newspaper clippings re "BOY HELD IN DESERT BOX").


Mrs. Georgiana ("Jean") Brayton (see enclosed xerox of list of "The Brayton group") was the head of an unauthorized group calling themselves "O.T.O." in Los Angeles operating out of


2627 Menlo Ave

Los Angeles, Calif


until the time of the Blythe case. They also owned other property in Los Angeles including property at


1251 W. 30th St., L.A. and


1241 W. 30th St., L.A., as well as several stores,


including the



 137 N. Broadway

Blythe, Calif


where it is my belief they were selling books and manuscripts stolen in the robbery of these libraries, including the robbery of Mrs. Germer in West Point. As you may recall, I said at the time of our conversation that Mrs. Brayton had been a student of Mrs. Burlingame's and was the only outside person who had a passkey at the time Mrs. Burlingame's rituals were taken. She was thus the only one with both the motive and the opportunity to take them in the manner they disappeared as there was no burglary, but only illegal entry. After this incident Mrs. Burlingame changed the lock and secured her windows. The subsequent incident when the books were taken was burglary as the windows were forced.


As to the exact names of the people, other than Mrs. Brayton, wanted by the F.B.I. in the Blythe case, I refer you to


F.B.I. Agent Lindstrom or to


Deputy District Attorney Gary Sherotter

Riverside District Attorney's Office

Indio, Calif


or to


Detective Sergeant Henry C. ("Chuck") Hayes

Riverside County Sheriff's Office

Indio, Calif


who has interviewed me as to my possible knowledge of the whereabouts of the Braytons (unfortunately none as I have never met these people), or to


Mr. Arthur Lyons, Jr.

646 Merengo Road

Palm Springs, Calif 92262,


a writer who covered the Blythe case, or to


the editor of the Daily News

Indio, Calif,


whose paper carried extensive coverage of the child brutality case at Blythe and the subsequent trial in Indio in Oct-Nov 1969.


If memory serves, we agreed at the time of our conversation that your interest is in the police aspect of the case involving Mrs. Germer. My interest is in clarifying that the Ordo Templi Orientis is in no way connected with the people who have committed the criminal activities cited above. My information as to the possible tie-in of the various robberies herein cited leading to the conclusion that the most likely suspects are the members of the Brayton gang was developed in the course of my investigation in my official capacity as Sovereign Grand Inspector General, O.T.O.


I hope the above will be of some assistance to you in solving the case of robbery and physical assault of Mrs. Germer.


Love is the law, love under will.


Sincerely yours,


Major Grady L. McMurtry

Ordo Templi Orientis





xerox of listing "The Brayton group"

xerox of clippings from Los Angeles Herald-Examiner re "BOY HELD IN DESERT BOX"


