Correspondence from Grady McMurtry to Sascha Germer
[25 October 1970]
I have made this investigation in my official capacity as Sovereign Grand Inspector General of the O.T.O., a post Aleister Crowley appointed me to in 1946, and because in 1946 Aleister Crowley also gave me documents of authorization as his personal representative in the United States of America, and to take charge of the affairs of the O.T.O. in California specifically. I can also show you xerox copies of letters from Aleister Crowley to me, personally, telling me that I was to be the one that follows Karl [Karl Germer] in being the Caliph of the O.T.O. As you will see, my authorization is an emergency power subject to Karl’s veto while alive, but automatically going into effect so that there would be one to follow after Karl’s death. I am enclosing a xerox of my letters of authorization [. . .]. If you would like to see us, we will be happy to drive up to West Point and I will bring along copies of the letters from A.C. telling me of his plan for me to be his Caliph so there would be someone to follow after Karl.”