Correspondence from Marcelo Motta to John Symonds and Kenneth Grant
[28 October 1970]
I am trying for some time (several years, in fact) to obtain a photocopy of the following item of Crowleyana: Liber Collegii Sancti sub figura 185.
[ . . . ] Perhaps I should explain my interest in the book. I am officially a Zelator of the A∴A∴ since 1962, my Practicus having been the late Karl J. Germer, whom at least Mr. Yorke [Gerald Yorke] should remember. Unfortunately Mr. Germer’s copy of Liber 185 was marred, for my Oath of the Zelator is incorrectly phrased.
Also, I have since passed beyond the Task and Oath of the Zelator; but the death of Mr. Germer, and the enmity of his widow [Sascha Germer], have made impossible for me to observe orderly progress through the Grades, or even the bestowing of them on other people. This situation I am eager to remedy, and perhaps one of the above gentlemen would be willing to help.