Correspondence from Grady McMurtry to Ray K. Lindstrom
P.O. Box 2043 Dublin, Calif 94566
May 12, 1971
Mr. Ray K. Lindstrom F.B.I., U.S. Department of Justice 11900 Wilshire Blvd Los Angeles, Calif 90049
Dear Mr. Lindstrom,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
On October 17, 1970, I wrote to you concerning a group referred to as "the Brayton gang" and giving my reasons for believing them to be responsible for the robbery of several libraries. This group was at that time parading falsely under the title of Solar Lodge, O.T.O. Several members of the said group were convicted at a trial in Indio in a child brutality case from which the Braytons are now fugitive, if I understand it correctly.
On Feb 3, 1971, Detective Sergeant Henry C. (Chuck") Hayes of the Riverside County Sheriff's Office brought a Mr. Joe Goslin, identified as a runner for the Brayton gang during the trial in Indio on child brutality charges, to a motel in Livermore where my wife and I interviewed him. It was our hope that we might recover as much of the stolen libraries as still exist. Mr. Goslin confirmed that it was the Braytons who had raided the O.T.O. library at West Point, that all of Aleister Crowley's written diaries, taken during that robbery, had been destroyed in the fire at Blythe (the child brutality case stemmed from this incident), that he knew where some of the books from the stolen libraries are hidden, that Bob Duerrstein was "editing" the correspondence of Aleister Crowley and Karl Germer taken during the robbery at West Point, and that the Braytons had a certain volume of Enochian letters in their possession that could only have come from the library at West Point. At that time I gave Mr. Goslin in letter to be delivered to the Braytons either personally or by intermediary.
I have now received a reply to that letter from Dick Brayton (see burn copy attached) dated May 1, 1971. The envelope was postmarked "Los Angeles, Calif., May 1, 1971, PM." Their return address on the envelope was "1241 W. 30th St., L.A. 7, California." No name was given. In the letter, however, Dick Brayton states that he can be contacted by writing to "Nap" at the 1241 W. 30th St., L.A. 7 address. This would seem to offer two possibilities. Either Mr. Brayton is living at that address under the name of "Nap," or the "Nap" party at that address knows how to contact Mr. Brayton. In either case it would seem simple enough for you to take the proper legal steps and go to that address and either pick up Mr. Brayton, or require his contact, as a person shielding a fugitive from justice, to take you to the Brayton gang hideout.
I wish to make it clear that I have no intention of making any kind of a deal with these people. There are laws against physical assault, child brutality, burglary and robbery. I am forwarding burn copies of Dick Brayton's May 1, 1971 letter to the Sheriff, Riverside County, and to the F.B.I. Los Angeles Office. I will also forward copies to the Los Angeles Police Department and the Sheriff, Los Angeles County, if you feel that is necessary, or you can have them contact me at the above address.
On Friday, May 7, 1971, my wife and I drove to Los Angeles for a dinner party with Dr. Francis I. Regardie [Israel Regardie] and guests. Dr. Regardie, as you know from my letter of Oct 11, 1970, has a close interest in this case. His advice was that I should not reply directly to the Brayton's through the 1241 W. 30th Street address until you have had a chance to act. I have therefore set May 26, 1971 as a tentative date for dispatching a communication to them telling them where they stand in relation to the O.T.O. unless I hear to the contrary from you in the meantime.
On May 10, 1971, after our return from Los Angeles, we received a manila envelope in the mail containing 21 xerox pages, legal size, and titled "A PLEA FOR RELIGIOUS TOLERATION," the first sentence of which begins, "THIS STORY OF A CONSPIRACY to destroy a religious organization . . .". It is not signed. The return address on the envelope is 1241 W. 30th St., L.A., Calif 90007, with no name given. I will xerox this document for you if you can not obtain it elsewhere, but there are no local facilities for burn copying legal size pages. The envelope is postmarked "TERMINAL ANNEX, LOS ANGELES, MAY 8, 1971 PM."
You will notice that Dick Brayton addresses me as Hymenaeus Alpha 777. This s a magical name conferred upon me by Aleister Crowley many years ago, YMENAIOC A adding to 777 in the Greek kabbala.
I have no idea which "Pasadena scandal" Dick Brayton is referring to as having "kept us apart". The only reason I would have for meeting with them would be the hope of recovering as much of the stolen libraries as possible, and I certainly would not do that without consulting the proper authorities.
Should you have occasion to refer anyone outside official channels to us, I would prefer that you used the P.O. Box number given above rather than our street address. Our telephone number is (415) 828-3841.
Love is the law, love under will.
Major Grady L. McMurtry Ordo Templi Orientis Caliph
Inc: Burn copy, Dick Brayton letter, dated May 1, 1971.