Correspondence from Grady McMurtry to Detective Sergeant Henry C. Hayes
P.O. Box 2043 Dublin, Calif 94566
May 21, 1971
Detective Sergeant Henry C. Hayes Riverside County Sheriff's Office 260 N. Spring Street Blythe, California
Dear Sgt. Hayes,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Inclosed you will find the 21 page xerox titled "A PLEA FOR RELIGIOUS TOLERATION" referred to in my letter of May 14, 1971. I understand that you will make burn copies and return it to me, as I have no local facilities for xeroxing legal size pages. I would appreciate it if you would also send a copy to
Lt. Thomas Grammer Operations Division Calaveras County Sheriff's Office P.O. Box 1088 San Andreas, Calif 95249
with whatever comments you think appropriate. While Lt. Grammer investigated the robbery and physical assault on Mrs. Germer [Sascha Germer], he tabled the reported incident as being hallucinatory on the part of Mrs. Germer. This is hardly surprising considering the mental condition of Mrs. Germer, but West Point is the only place the Braytons could have obtained some of the material they now have. I am presuming that you will also turn a copy of the "Plea for Religious Toleration" over to the F.B.I. and any other law enforcement agencies you think necessary.
A delicate point. My predecessor, Mr. Germer [Karl Germer] (Frater Saturnus) made his wife Mrs. Sascha Germer, the executor of his will, at least of the only will of which we have a copy. There is reason to believe he made a second will which may have read otherwise, but if Mrs. Germer found it, she refused to communicate that information. In any case, the material stolen at West Point is O.T.O. property, and Mrs. Germer is not a member of the O.T.O. As successor to Mr. Germer, I feel I have a right to have any stolen property returned to me, but I realize the situation is ambiguous. Perhaps Mr. Sherotter would be available for advice.
In any case, lets hope this helps you in getting the case against the Braytons sewed up.
Love is the law, love under will.
Grady L. McMurtry Ordo Templi Orientis Caliph