Correspondence from Marcelo Motta to James Wasserman






July 7, 1976



For your information, neither Helen Parsons Smith [Helen Parsons] nor Phyllis McMurtry [Phyllis Seckler] have ANY legal right to the Thelemic Library: Helen has NEVER had an O.T.O. patent, and Smith [Wilfred Talbot Smith] was not empowered to nominate her a Head of anything—only Germer [Karl Germer] had this authority. I stated otherwise in my Manifesto for my own purposes, and I will not attack Helen if she affirms herself a Head, on the contrary, I will support her—but NOT Phyllis. Phyllis has no right whatsoever unless she can show a Power of Attorney from her husband Grady [Grady McMurtry]—if he IS her husband—he has been strangely silent throughout. Grady never had any authority to nominate Heads of Lodges—again, only Germer had this authority—and again, I quote him as Lodge Head for my own purposes. Therefore, understand that I will not accept Phyllis McMurtry as either an equal (as Head, I mean) or as an heir. Her children robbed Mrs. Germer [Sascha Germer], and she has still not explained to my satisfaction how the Book of Thoth plates ended up in Grady's hands. They were originally in the Thelemic Library, and furthermore, anyone who says that copies had been made is a thief and a liar.


