Correspondence from Grady McMurtry to All





[6 August 1977]



Ordo Templi Orientis





Ex Castris Hiberniae Ionae st Omnium Britanniarum



Carete Fratres Sororesque


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


I hereby renounce, destroy, nullify, set aside, dispose of, and cast into oblivion any and all documents, dispositions, dispensations and/or other articles of authorization to elect a Successor to me as Caliph signed by me before this date. This applies especially to one signed by me and dated August 20, 1976 e.v., in which Phyllis E. McMurtry [Phyllis Seckler], Helen Parsons Smith [Helen Parsons], Kristopher Gerard Dowling, and Lon Milo DuQuette were empowered upon my death, to elect a Successor to fill the Office of Caliph for Aleister Crowley's ORDO TEMPLI ORIENTIS. That authorization is hereby set as naught and is as of now null and void. Provision for succession to the Caliphate has been made by me in writing, but none of the above named shall have a vote in the GRAND COUNCIL GENERAL of Aleister Crowley's ORDO TEMPLI ORIENTIS when it names that succession.


Love is the law, love under will.


Witness Our hand and seal the 6th day of August e. v. 1977



Ordo Templi Orientis



aka Grady L McMurtry


