Correspondence from Grady McMurtry to Mike Ripple
[On Ordo Templi Orientis Letterhead]
Mike Ripple PO Box 6018 Teall Ave Station Syracuse NY 13217
PO Box 2303 Berkeley CA 94702
July 6 1978
Dear Mike and Michelle
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Inclosed herewith is the poetry you requested for your publication KAABA. In reading it over, I am really surprised at the quality of it. No wonder Crowley and Jack Parsons were impressed. To this day I think that the most beautiful line I ever wrote was
Hull down the ranging cruisers ride The star winds o'er the Pleiades. . . (it has everything. Every word pulls its full weight)
from SPACE TIDES. But then I can be accused of proprietary interest.
Others have suggested that the opening line
The roar of space winds pouring o'er The star hung cataracts of night. . .
was my best. But what the hell. If you need to date it, date it Jan 1946. I am afraid that egomania set in. It is the only poem of mine that I know of that I never dated. I had put so much into it that I thought it was immortal. Or something.
See you in August. Oh yes, drop me a line with your new address & phone #. Just to be on the safe side.
Love is the law, love under will.