Correspondence from Phyllis Seckler to Israel Regardie
[10 July 1979]
The threat of the O.T.O. is within and I doubt Motta [Marcelo Motta] can do any real harm. He never had permission from Karl [Karl Germer] or anyone else to start a Lodge or Camp and was trying to get this permission when Karl died. M[otta] was frantic and put some information about this in a letter to me and one to Sascha [Sascha Germer].
As to the A∴A∴, it doesn't belong to Motta and the more he writes as he does, the sillier he looks. His digs at me don't affect me—I have been laughing all day about what he wrote in his so-called Equinox—which someone sent to me just today. Motta is just angry because I refused to acknowledge him as a high muck-a-muck from the very first after Karl died and I only have to publish M.’s letters to me and mine to him to prove this point and make M. look strange!
Also, my College is so tiny until I get my teachers trained and will still remain tiny for a long time as it takes a long time to raise a child in Thelema! Same for my efforts on A∴A∴ lines, so it is hardly worth anyone’s while to take potshots at my effort.