Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Montgomery Evans
[Undated—circa 1924?]
Hotel du Maine, 64 Ave. du Maine Paris
Dear 2nd.
The best made plans of mice and men———!!
I had 3 parcels of very nice books ready to send when the axe fell and we were thrown naked into the bottomless pit. However, the reading matter enclosed should be well worth all the rest. I do hope you will be better and come back soon. We hope to get the pamphlet out by Saturday and the Prospectus not much later and then the band should begin to play. Leah [Leah Hirsig] is standing the strain very well and that is the only thing I have been worrying about. I had a glorious time with the hotel. One continuous movie for 24 hours or more. Super-movie, in fact, is I believe, the word.
Beast has forgotten that he was writing you so I'll just go on while he plays with his pipe.
I am rather cold at the moment as I have taken off three layers of night clothes, to say nothing of removing the shirt and hat I had entrusted to my faithful knickerbockers. Soap and shaving materials too! I wonder I wasn't held up as a track [?].
No use trying to tell you all—it was a great old time and time hangs heavy on our hands in this peaceful chambre.
93 93/93
Alostrael [Leah Hirsig]
Aleister Crowley
P.S. If you only knew how much me miss your merry smile!