Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Montgomery Evans
E. House [?]
[Undated: circa 1931]
Dear Montgomery
Wish you'd call on Noble Hall. Chanbre de Commerce International [illegible] and talk about his first and rare editions. Once having got in, tumble him about his relations with me—he has behaved like a skunk[?]—without letting on that you know me.
Finally, make him hand over my pictures. He has about a dozen of my best panels, and I want them at once for the exhibition in Oct.
Do this, and our children's children will rise up and bless you!
What are your plans? London is quite dull, except for Betty May [illegible] her troubles [illegible] joyless view with a glass. I'm up to the eyes in work.
You might also see [illegible] Paterson[?] 19 Villa [illegible] 233 [illegible] St Honore. You'll be in your own sedan and [illegible].
Write, damn you!
Yours ever