Correspondence from Nina Hamnett to Aleister Crowley
Thackeray House, Maple Street, W.1. MUSEUM 4360.
Dear A.C.
Thank you for your two post cards. Gerald came to sit for me and I did a drawing of him. He is awfully difficult to draw. Vernon has got, through a friend of mine a job as 3rd boss over 300 men who are building a [illegible] at Hurst Park [illegible]. Alas he has to work all night and has to stay out there. BUT we have bought a motor bike. I alas have to ride behind! He is getting £5 a week so it [illegible] is this particular job ends on the 15th and then he will rest a few days and then start another job of laying cables and will get more money. He is very pleased but alas can't [illegible]. We go to Camden Town every Sunday. The Sunday before Lent there was a great battle when the audience threw chairs and fought and the referee got underneath the ring!
Two weeks ago a twin of mine who used to smoke opium (and still has it) a lot came to find me and of course Vernon wanted to try so he went off with him to his marvellous home at Chelsea and smoked like chimneys all night. Vernon was very sick. I drank too much and we stayed for 24 hours. Vernon and I slept in the tumeric [?] it was great fun. We all laughed [illegible] and finally the other man and I propped Vernon in the bath and gave him a sort of whores bath with both [illegible] and I scrubbed his back he did not become really conscious for several days. So you see London is not really so dull as people imagine. I hope your [illegible] will be a great success. My writing is rather odd to day it isn't insanity yet but I had rather too much port last night. It will be nice to see you again the memoirs are going strong. Goldstone is [illegible] and doing [illegible] of business. The Lawrence case has caused some fun a [illegible] was; referring to the ugly and tomato like sexual organs "Certain features were largely, grossly and unnecessarily developed"!
Love from us both,