Correspondence from Frieda Harris to Aleister Crowley





Morton House,

The Mall,


Telephone: Chiswick 2230.






Dear Aleister,


No one can find my notes. Can you have typed and sent by return all the swords except 3 swords, all the pantacles and the notes on Queen, Princess Prince Pantacles with any of your remarks. Please look carefully. Also 10 Cups missing and the notes on the Universe.


(These “notes” were dictated by A.C. to F.H. mostly in the garden of Morton House. [Note by A.C.])


I do hope you have duplicates. Someone must have taken them out of my case and they are so war-minded at Morton that notes and manuscripts don't seem important and they are not able to understand. I feel very ill.




Steptoe must send me another photograph of the 2 of swords also lost with notes.


