Correspondence from Leah Hirsig to Montgomery Evans
[On the stationary of:] Nouvel Hotel de L'Oasis Grand Café du Commerce et Cinema-Oasis Gabès Tunisie
Wednesday Nov. [?] 4[?]
Mail came to-day: lots of it: nice, some of it: from you, not one word!
Execrable Creature! Shame of your Seed! Disgrace to Norway!
Forgotten of Allah in the Day when He remembereth His friends!
I could say more, much more: but:—haven't! If the rain hadn't done its 24 miles an hour, I should have! Hell! I don't want to all these people—though one of them did send me £1!—I want
You !
(You were right, too! Murray [Adam Murray] stole £5 of Jane's [Jane Wolfe] in the coolest fashion)
Well, you have only yourself to blame if Murray and Traenker [Heinrich Traenker] are arrested by their respective Governments for a long time to come.
Maddened by not hearing from you, I composed letters to various Public Prosecutors which will make some people sorry they came athwart my lawyer!
I was in desperate agony. I wrote and wrote, and it rained and rained! Then it cleared up, and I went a longish wade through the oasis, and now I'm about 70% calmer, enough to write to you. If I'd tried before dinner, the ink would have exploded—and I can't afford a new fountain pen.
Sober fact, I sat for over an hour in the garden debating whether to shoot myself, (owing to an interpellation by [illegible] , the debate was adjourned sine die—and [illegible], in fact), and now I'm getting too [illegible] for my darling . . . [the remainder of this letter (if there is a remainder) is missing]