Charles Stansfeld Jones Diary Entry

Tuesday, 9 August 1910




Being in some difficulties I decided to appeal to the AA for help and advise, which I did in this manner. I wrote upon a sheet of paper the following 'Are the AA satisfied with my progress and work for them?' If so, I need a little help financially' This I folded into Three, and inscribed the outside middle fold with my mystic seal which has been given me. I gave the paper to a sister who I believe to be well advanced in one of the Orders working for the G.[reat] W.[ork] and asked her to get me an answer without reading the question. On looking at the seal, she did so. I will try and enumerate a little of the reply I received, through her. First she told me she seemed to rise to a high plane and said one or two things I cannot remember. Then she said from all the points of the star came a light to lead along the path, but that I must take off my shoes when I knelt before the shrine. That the Circle was very nearly complete and that soon I should learn to take off my shoes and enter into the glorious light of the shrine. That the sword was sharp, heavy and that the handle represented a most Holy Symbol. That to those who Knock the Door shall be opened & Those that Seek shall find. Then evidently referring to my financial difficulties, that the storm of sand would not overtake me. That I was not to look back but to press on ever. That the oasis was near, when I could get beneath the shade of the palm trees and drink of the Waters of Life freely.


My inner self understood this symbolism perfectly, but I could not make my brain explain it so as to write it. However it must refer to my real Initiation which I feel to be very near once I can take off my shoes at the Shrine. My Lord Adonai Grant me the Light and the Knowledge and Power to do this soon.


Amen and Amen of Amen.


