Charles Stansfeld Jones Diary Entry Saturday, 8 April 1911
During the last three days have gradually been nearing another “climax” which reached, shall I say, its height on Saturday, when I arrived at a state of Illumination which was, as it were “added to my previous state.” I seized a scrap of paper and wrote “Amidall the complications and perplexity there remains, back of all, the Will. The Will to Be. The Will to Be Nothing, which is the only state inconceivable to the mind. The old God willed to be something, and the Universe appeared; The New God wills to be Nothing and becomes?” After writing the foregoing, there was a state of bliss the reflection of which was caught by the body. So joyful it became that it whirled round in a mad dance, and was filled with music. It was stifled by the confines of the room; but “I” was Free, so it couldn’t matter much.