Charles Stansfeld Jones Diary Entry Saturday, 7 June 1913
Note. This afternoon, while reclining in an easy chair, nearly fell asleep; instead, however, I concentrated for some while. On being asked by R. [Rubina Stansfeld Jones] to go and do some little thing for her, I put hands over eyes before rising, and saw a light so peculiar that it is worth mentioning. It had the appearance of being three distinct things at once. Dead black, a beautiful night sky-blue, but at the same time the very essence of it was brilliant light. Quite indescribable in words.
(Seems very good.—O.M. [Comment by Crowley])
(It may be remarked that Fra. V.I.O. had occupied himself with the contemplation of the Stélé of Revealing, completed therefrom a Pantacle of Nuit, and had obtained a sigil for same, during this day. This peculiar light is stigmatically characteristic of the Stélé.—O.M. [Comment by Crowley])