Charles Stansfeld Jones Diary Entry Thursday, 27 November 1913
Letter from Chancellor of A∴A∴ Was glad to receive this, as it cleared up a point that had long troubled me.
Note: This was the point re Astral journeys, mentioned before.
11:6 to 11:28 P.M.
Astral Journey. Rising on the Planes. Will try and recount this experience in detail as it was somewhat different from any previous experiment.
After prayer, formulated astral enclosing body and began to rise. Tried to ascend Middle Pillar. Dark Blue, then more Purple. Presently found my astral body in a sort of open Temple Square with 4 pillars for corners, open sides and a high domed roof. In the centre of the floor was a circular basin of water. Someone said (of the water) “It is Thyself” (or thy mind). Could distinguish nothing for some time. Presently a star appeared in the centre of the pool, evidently reflected through a circular hole in centre of roof. Looking up, could not see this star from where I was standing on the step at front of Temple. Someone said: “Enter the water.” Did so, finding it reached to the neck. Looked up, and could discern the star clearly. Someone said “You must travel up through the roof to the star.” Did so, and discovered I was without clothes. Some time elapsed before I could get near the star, but on doing so I was whirled round it three times and alighted. Then became conscious that the body had given place to a flame only. Ascended as a flame into the air. Became dimly conscious that the flame was in the heart of a larger body. Strove still to rise, but came to blackness. Returned and disrobed. Gave thanks and entered diary.
(This is very good indeed, as a start. It should be repeated with ever-increasing persistence. The time occupied tells me its faults more than the text. A good “rising” should take 1? to hours.— O.M. [Comment by Crowley])