Charles Stansfeld Jones Diary Entry

Monday, 15 December 1913




11:50 to 12:9 P.M.


Astral Journey.


On first trying to project astral it went rapidly off in a N.E. direction (Bad.—O.M. [Comment by Crowley]) then described a curve to the North and so round twice, and became normal again. Second attempt. Enclosed astral in egg of light, sent it straight up. Egg opened; and I opened eyes in space. I saw above me a shining object, oblong in shape, and travelling to it, found it almost like a kite. Leaning upon it, I was carried backwards for some distance, during which time I watched a changing landscape below. Wishing to descend, I dropped towards the Earth, and found body supported by another. When near the ground, skimmed over the earth and eventually came to a dark gateway or tunnel. Walked into this and proceeded, lighted by a silver star on brow, till I arrived at a circular room at the end, lit by one candle placed on a round table at which sat an old white-bearded man writing in a book. I approached him, and said: “Why writest thou, Father?“ and he replied “That those who read may live.” (I seem to have asked him another question, but cannot remember what.) Then I said: “What writest thou, Father?” And he replied: “Death, always Death,” And I said: “Show me thy writing, Father” and looking he wrote the word HARTHA. And I said “This is a mystery to me” so he pointed to it letter by letter and I tried to interpret it Qabalistically, but was not successful. It seemed that the value of the letters was 507. He said I should understand, and with that I left him and returned.


