Charles Stansfeld Jones Diary Entry Sunday, 24 May 1914
March 24, 1914. 9.40 to 10.50 p.m. W.Vancr.B.C. [West Vancouver, British Columbia].
During the day I prepared a Circle of Orange about 5ft in diameter (the largest I could make in the little room I am using) and within it, an eight pointed star of yellow. Within that again an octagon. A Red upright Tau in the centre and eight small red pentagrams at the points of the star to represent lights for which there was no room to use with safety. The whole was very crude, but the best I could do with the materials at hand.
Having robed and entered the temple, I made a general Invocation (impromptu) to the Lord of the Universe, and traced the circle and figures with wand. Performed the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram, then Invoked Water and sprinkled circle to purify it. Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Hexagram, followed by Invocation of Mercury and Hod (impromptu) with appropriate Hexagram.
Lit incense. Made a further statement of my intention. Knelt in centre of Circle and tried to formulate white 'astral' with no very great success at first. Afterwards I forgot about material body and began to get some result.
Found my astral floating upon a dark sea on a sort of plank. The moon was shining above and the thought came to me that perhaps the moon represented the Unicorn I had come to seek, but I decided that it was not so.
Rising higher, I tried to identify myself with the moon, and then turned and faced the Sun, looking along the ray as a path. I had the impression of being a little child.
About this time I was reminded of my material body by a pressure on the brain, head, and neck; a sort of foreign rigidity, which caused me to lose concentration on astral for a little while. I determined to keep on, however, and astrally performed the L.B.R. [Lesser Banishing Ritual] of P.[entagram]. When I came to the words "In the column stands the six-rayed star" I seemed to rise quite easily.
Travelled about, with no particular visions, seeking the Unicorn. I obtained an idea of a unicorn, but not very distinctly, and spoke to it. It informed me that it had no desire to converse. I made the sign of the Pentagram over it, whereupon it said that it was not that which I sought. This being also my opinion, I left it, and rose higher to try again.
This time I got a clearer idea of the Unicorn, and began to converse with it.
We were near the edge of a wood, beneath a night sky. It told me to look up, and having done so, I perceived a comet flash across the sky and disappear. Turning back, I questioned him, and he answered: 'All men are thus, the Universe is thus'. So I gathered from his words that a fragment appears for a moment (or a period) and disappears, leaving no trace. I felt that this was something I must get to understand, when he said: 'Look again' and this time a meteor flashed and then struck the earth. And he said 'Sometime it is thus, and there appears to be pain as a result'. Then I said to him 'Do I understand that man appears for a moment only, and is forever gone again?' And he answered 'The comet remains travelling in its ellipse, and only disappears from sight'. Further, he told me to look again and I beheld a fixed star, shining in the blue. Turning again to him I asked what this meant, and he answered: 'The Masters are thus, they travel no more, but give light'. Then I asked if I should attain to this, to which he replied 'Yes, but not yet. Thou must be as a comet until after a while thou strikest a star, and becoming one with it, remain fixed'.
And I understood that there was nothing further to be said at that time. So I returned, and having given thanks, entered these experiences in my diary.
(Note. May 24. The image of the unicorn was not as clear as I should have liked. V.I.O.