Charles Stansfeld Jones Diary Entry Friday, 29 May 1914
May 29th. Last night, after entering diary about 11.5 P.M. I felt very cold indeed, and went over to the next camp to get warm and to fetch R. [Rubina Stansfeld Jones]. Was still shivering when I went to bed. This morning, at the Railway Station, I heard of the sinking of the "Empress of Ireland".
It was not until after my arrival at the office that I remembered the vision I obtained last night, when it suddenly flashed across my mind as a strange coincidence. On further thought I notice the time 10.15 to 10.30 at Vancouver, exactly corresponds to 2.30 a.m. at Quebec where the time is 4 hours different. The "Empress" went down about 2.30 A.M. I thought this of sufficient interest from a sufficient point of view (although the vision had come to me as a symbol of the Element of Water) to take a little trouble to prove that I had recorded the vision before I heard of the accident and within 10 mins of the actual occurrence, so I got a friend to fetch my diary from home and S. to witness the fact of the entry.
Was the thought form produced by the occurrence transmitted to me while in a receptive state of mind, and had the shivering afterwards anything to do with the condition?
Note: Although the above may have been 'coincidence' V.I.O. [Charles Stansfeld Jones] was interested to receive some months later a letter marked "Recovered by divers from the wreck of the Empress of Ireland". This letter turned out to be one he had written to Frater O.M. [Aleister Crowley] on May 21st informing him that he was about to commence this same series of experiments.