Charles Stansfeld Jones Diary Entry Tuesday, 21 July 1914
July 21st 1914. 10. P.M. to 10.11 P.M.
Have been putting off this last 'journey' for some time, I do not quite know why, but tonight I decided to make some attempt at it, even if I failed utterly. I therefore prepared all things and a little before 10 o'clock entered the temple. Traced Circle with wand. Performed L.B.R. [Lesser Banishing Ritual] of P.[entagram] carefully (the result of this seemed better than usual) then the L.B.R. of Hex[agram] followed by an invocation in the Name of EL. Invoked Jupiter with the appropriate Hexagram and Sign, in order to obtain the visions of Iophiel and Hismael who I understood to be the Intelligence and Spirit of Jupiter.
Rose between two pillars, a black
and a white, till I found myself beneath a deep blue vault
like a night sky. Continued upward very swiftly like the
flight of an arrow. Presently, slightly to my right, I saw a
great flashing blue object, transparent, and cut like a
jewel. It was like a big sapphire. I rose slightly above
this and descended into the heart of it through a hole in
the top. Became one with it for awhile, and rose—as it—towards
a bright star above. Became conscious of myself as a very
tiny image in the centre of the jewel, travelled to the star
and alighted upon it in a field of blue flowers something
like corn-flowers. Lay down and rested a little, but
remembering the purpose for which I had come, I called upon
Iophiel and Hismael to appear to me. A figure then
descended. He was fair-haired with eyes of deep blue, fair
skinned and very pleasing in appearance. His arms were bare
to the shoulders and he wore a blue cloak and short tunic to
the knees. He questioned me and made the sign of an upright
triangle on his forehead with his hands. I asked his name
and he answered Hismael. I then asked him to conduct me to
Iophiel and he told me that he was more difficult of access,
but I persisted and he then took my left hand in his right,
and we travelled upwards together. I felt glad and joyful in
his company. We presently came to a mighty, colossal figure
who he bowed before. I could at first only see up to his
knees. He appeared seated upon a throne and as I went on
alone I found he had the form of an old man with white hair
and beard. In his right hand he held a sceptre
He seem pleased at this and said "It is well". Then I turned and he raised his hand and I saw in the distance a desert and two pyramids, one black and the other white. He said "One day you must become one of these" and I answered "I will become both". Then I looked again, and the air was filled with filmy beings who wove themselves in and out of each other. Somehow this seemed quite natural. Some of them were very beautiful. I turned once more to him to see if he would say anything further, and these were his words "Be perfect, even as your Father is Perfect".
Soon after this I descended a little and again met Hismael, who told me that Iophiel ruled and that he (Hismael) transmitted messages to others. He conducted me part of the way on my return journey and I then left him, again making the sign of the triangle. Returned and remained a few minutes in meditation. Banished with Pentagram and entered diary.
[Aleister Crowley's Comments]
Comment. This again is very good indeed as far as it goes, but again might have been longer with advantage.
The general remark is that you are held to have passed the examination, and I am therefore forwarding you the necessary book in which I have written the above fact. I will fill in your proper certificate when I have it. Perhaps at the present moment it would not be advisable to entrust it to the post.
Although you have passed, do not abandon this method of investigation. It is very important that you should make yourself quite perfect and make yourself quite competent to use this method in the ordinary course of your working.
Please note to send Pantacle design for approval as per Task of Neophyte par 8 Also Chapter of Liber VII written out from memory in the presence of a witness. O.M. [Aleister Crowley]