Charles Stansfeld Jones Diary Entry

 Friday, 22 October 1915




I was not to get to sleep for suddenly one of our black cats jumped in at my window and made a great disturbance as it forced its way into my room. This caused me to get up and turn on the light and I then decided to fetch the book referred to and investigate at once. The secret became clearer and clearer as I studied, and as I referred to the other books I saw traces there also which I had never noticed before. I went to sleep about 3 A.M. and rose again sharp at 6 o'clock, dressed, had breakfast and caught the early boat to the City, calling upon Frater O.M. [Aleister Crowley] at 7.30 A.M. (I had promised to do so at 8 o'clock to say good-bye.)


I told him that I had begun to make discoveries and he appeared very surprised and asked what I was talking about. While he took his morning bath I told him that I was sure I was on the track of IX° secret and he eventually admitted that in some ways I was extraordinarily correct in my surmises, in others I was quite wrong. He told me that I must not mix the planes and said I had better make a study of the Liber referred to and write a detailed comment on same as my task for the next Grade in AA


I could see he was surprised at the way this had come to me and that he knew I was on the trail and not to be put off. He reminded me of the Fourth Power of the Sphinx and that it was my duty to say nothing to any person as these were matters of grave importance.


I shall work on the commentary and send it to him within a month. When I told him about the cat, he said: "You might thank that cat for me," and I could see that even in that intrusion there might be more than a coincidence—possibly a magical happening of some sort.


I was also told to work on Taoist methods and I replied that as a matter of fact I had been doing so in this particular instance for it was only after I had decided to let matters alone, that this new light came to me unlooked for.


I think this discovery, if perfected, may be of vast importance to my magical career, and may have a correspondence on the higher planes with the Passing of the Abyss.


Said good-bye to Frater O.M. at 9.30 A.M. and went back to the office filled with a new sense of power such as I had not experienced since the Illumination of 1910 E.V.


I answered all correspondence this evening and am tired, so shall do no practice tonight. I can see I shall have to work hard to keep AA and O.T.O. work going at the same time, but have confidence that everything will be all right. Frater O.M. said he did not think I could go wrong now, he also told me to try experiments with new magical methods for definite ends, even of a material nature.


October 22, 1915 E.V.

Last night, as mentioned, I was feeling very tired after entering diary, I decided therefore to make my first experiment on new lines, in order to see if I was on the right track. Sat down, and determined to bring about certain conditions viz: That the tired feeling should leave me, and secondly, that I should sleep very lightly, instead of heavily as might be expected after last night and a hard day. Thirdly, that I should awake precisely at 7. A.M. (N.B. I set the alarm for 7.30 a.m. in case of error.)


I am not at all sure that I performed the conjuration of the forces correctly, but the results were these.


(1) I did not fall asleep very heavily.

(2) That I awoke at precisely three minutes before 7 A.M. and remembered what I had willed to do. There the spell, it we may call it such, seemed to end for I fell asleep again, this time more soundly, and remained in bed for another 40 minutes.


Evening. I wondered this evening if there is anything to be gained by repeating an astral journey to the same place again for further details.


Started my paper on Liber . . . . .


