Charles Stansfeld Jones Diary Entry

Sunday, 12 November 1916




Sun. Nov 12th. 9.45 P.M.






Partner. R.S.J. [Rubina Stansfeld Jones]


To obtain money ($ 100) to clear up Lodge and other trouble.


Concentration very good.


Virility good.


R. very passionate, but this only noticed as 'outside' of the main concentrated idea.


Elix[er]. Same trouble with R. A small quantity on finger.




Tues. Nov 14. At Lodge Meeting $15 promised by members.


Wed. 15th. $10 actually paid, promise of balance of $7 on the 20th. Someone wrote, asking to join Order, which should be another $20 in near future. Received Salary (as usual) $35. (This was of course money, so I suppose it counts.) In spte of the fact that the matter of lease was supposed to be in Lawyers hands, went and talked to Owner, and she let me off a clear $35 of the Lodge Rent.



Summary so far.

Cash received

$ 45.00



Cash, sure on 20th




Cash, (likely)




Reduction of rent, equivalent

to actual cash





$ 107.00


All the above were entirely unexpected, except Salary.


