Ethel Archer Diary Entry

Saturday, 2 March 1912



Asana in God position. Time 12:15 pm till 1:30 pm.


Concentrating on a golden ankh. Great difficulty in keeping mind fixed at first. Then strange automatic breathing just as I was about to be absorbed into an immense ankh. This continued some little time; also my throat got dry. The strange breathing ceased as I was doing pranayama quite noiselessly and regularly. Then I seemed to expand or rather a nebulous form of myself that surrounded me seemed to do so—I was a powerful Egyptian god; at the same time I was an ankh, which expanded and contracted as I breathed. The breath seemed as a golden light travelling round the ankh (much as an electric sign does, it is difficult to describe) but the ankh (that was myself) was formed as the breath or the light travelled round if and was contracted and expanded like this


[drawing, not copied]


