Frank Bennett Diary Entry Saturday, 10 September 1921
Saturday. Got up at 6 a.m. Washed, shaved, sat for two hours turning over the events of the past.
It is certain that my egoism has been the cause of my failure. When I gave those lectures on the Cabbala, the people had listened with interest until I began to say I was the representative of the Great White Brotherhood—and all such rot—when the people who had been interested before, now went away with a sneer and a comical smile on their faces. It is always when I have begun to speak of what I was, who I represented, what I was going to do, just as in my dream story, whenever I said I was, or had done anything, the light faded.
Spent all morning writing my Dream Story. It seems that I must start all over again. Will give it to the Beast, and see what he thinks about starting on those Sigils, as stated in my Dream Story. I can now start cheerfully all over again, if so he directs.[1]
1 to 7 pm. Did nothing except a little Cabbala, which is up to nothing. Slept well.
1—Crowley's comment: 'Excellent, John Bunyan! I won't comment or give directions; all you have to do is stick to the appointed work, without lust of result. Never interfere in the critical periods; let each ordeal be worked out to the finish. 666.'