Frank Bennett Diary Entry Thursday, 15 September 1921
Thursday. Got up very weak and sick again at 6 am. Pentagram at 7, but there was none—everybody sick or in bed. Mary [Mary Butts] and Maitland [Cecil Maitland] going away. Back to tent at 9, feeling very weak. Got some lemon and water—drank about two pints at intervals through the morning. Feeling much better at 10, so did the Ritual of 'Liber Samekh' from 10 to 11.30. Read comments until 1 o'clock. Went to dinner. 2.30 to 3.30 pm, meditated on how to take advantage of Tangle. Found that Tangle was straightening out. Can let subconscious mind work, and discovered that the physical mind chips in at all points. It seems to think it is the one. Watched its play for some time, and let it run on. It soon got wound up and stopped of itself. Then I found that the physical mind was only necessary for physical things, but would butt in at all times, thinking itself the one, and only one. As I watched it, nothing entered it, only that of a physical nature. And this method of watching, and letting it run itself out, is much better than fighting it. No Pentagram tonight, so went to bed early, at 7 pm.