Frank Bennett Diary Entry

Friday, 23 September 1921




Friday. Got up at 7 am. Had a very quiet day, not done any study, but now feel my old self again. Pentagram at 6 pm, in which A.C. took the whole ceremony of the Autumnul Equinox. It was the finest ceremony I have yet attended. Afterwards, we had a banquet of sparkling wine, and sweet wine and cakes; at which time we were handed a Yi King divination for the following six months. Mine was typical of what I would have expected—much struggle, not to seek for personal results. I don't think that is possible again, as I have had such an experience of lust for result that just now I am a little child—careless of what the results may be, but going on. I cannot write down all the things that I have experienced of this; it is just impossible. They were too terrible in one way, and glorious in another. Now I can look back upon them, with the experience they gave me.[1]



1—Crowley's comment: 'All very good.'


