Frank Bennett Diary Entry

Tuesday, 15 November 1921




While concentrating on the problem of sex and its relation to the spirit, I came into a state of mind wherein it begins to work of itself, and answer the questions. In this state I saw a young lover entranced with the love of a girl, and she may not appear in any other eyes than the lover's, anything but a very plain girl, but him she transforms, makes a new heaven on earth. Everything in nature takes on a different form and colour; he hears music in everything, sees beauty everywhere; in fact he is in a state of ecstasy.


Now all this is brought about in his mind; he builds castles, imagines every possible and impossible thing, and fills it with life. He is in fact a new creature. It is this kind of love that makes the Adept, and this state is the key which alone will unlock the door of the higher self. But to do this he must excel his human love, by arousing within himself such energy and force that he, by his will recreates himself by his effort to excel in his love.


In this way alone can he rouse the coiled splendour within him, which is to bring him face to face with his real self, his Holy Guardian Angel, and this makes him free.


Progradior 176.


