Marjorie Cameron Diary Entry Wednesday, 24 December 1952
Dec. 24. 11 a.m. 1952 Eat of the heart. Adore him as thy outermost extremities for he shall not know the glory of thee until he serveth your desire for herein is eternity.
Dec. 24. 12:45 a.m. 1952 Know that thou are both the Adorer and Adored. And if thou speaks as the Adorer the Adored will manifest in pure joy of rapture love and all union. And if thou speaks as the Adored—lo, suddenly thou art the Adorer—for such is the wonder that all knowing must eternally worship—even thou the Adored. Ah, thy joy is eternal!
Dec. 24. 1:30 p.m. 1952 Cast off your cares—and deny them even thy wrath. Know not that they exist. Thou are purity thou are the golden stream and know that all pity is the disease of starvation. Starvation is death, the only death. Rise from thy cares, tho thy cares be all of thee. I swear to you that in the dream of unity is thy Godhead—and only this of me—all else knows me not—I desire nothing else than thy desire.
Dec. 24.—1952—2:15 p.m. Ah ye are a delight foolish worm—thou seeks the heart of the flower in all gardens and ye have no eyes—fantastic worm—I am annoyed and saddened at thy dance of praise. Thou labors ever to seek me in the highest. Thou makes of everything a false some to woo me. But blessed worm you have known my kiss—and in that hour in which I consumed thee—thou you curse that hour every day to thy death, I swear you that unless thou knowest me in that hour—though thou makest of thy entire being a fervent prayer to call me—thou shall know me never, and thy fervent prayer is less than nothing, and thou shall be cursed ever!