Marjorie Cameron Diary Entry Sunday, 22 October 1961
I have emerged from the mother-woman self into that long awaited reunion with the Angel. For knowing that the Angel is the transcendent self, still I did not anticipate it being in my image! Though I destroyed the warrior image following the discovery that the self contains both sexes and its total to infinite search for its beloved wherein the dual manifestation of itself, I had not divined that the angel, inviolate was myself and one day would emerge in the likeness of the hero self that first set out upon the journey to reach fulfilment in total communication with the guardian angel. The hero, now with total experience of the female self, emerges reborn in her death, or total surrender and discovers itself to be the inviolate angel himself, who was not, after all, a fixed absolute waiting at the end; the goal—but the end result of the hero transcendent.