Aleister Crowley Diary Entry [undated] Sunday 11 December and Saturday, 31 December 1898
Notes of Astral Travel
No. 13. Imperfect?
I look down and see a long gold-purple column.
Will I go? After hesitation, yes.
I descend through this. It opens out after a long while to a red cavern. Flames roaring. Klipoth about. Some attempts to break through. Pollitt [Herbert Pollitt] attempts but is quickly routed. “Who are these?” They are the souls of those whom thou hast caused to sin.”
I put up my sword “Nay thou art as God, and must act for him.”
Elephantiasis giant black and leprous, misshapen and hideous, is enraged and rushes repeatedly at the circle which quivers and half yields.
This is my evil persona. I am warned not to banish him. He reproaches me. I charge him not to torment me.
I am alarmed at his fury. The circle yields till he is quite close.
Pentagram. Sword hilt raised. A moment I am confused. Then [HEB: I.H.V.H.]. He sullenly ceases his rushes.
I look sorrowfully upon him and extend left hand for him to kiss, charging him to repent. But I am afraid to [. . .] do not extend the hand altogether and he only bends near it.