Aleister Crowley Diary Entry [undated] Sunday 11 December and Saturday, 31 December 1898
Notes of Astral Travel
No. 16.
With C.S.
L. Baker]. Part of L.B.R. [Lesser Banishing Ritual]
Column of blue light. Up this. Old and feeble woman with us, whom I dislike.
She gives C.S. the sign of the flaming sword and a 5=6 sign.
We go with her into a room where is a man.
Chap with a rough tweed suit, fat face, sensual and cruel burly figure. (Aquiline features and noble expression. C.S.)
Wall opens (avenue of trees [. . .] We see G.B.H. side of a tree of life in baths. Paths marked, B. to G.B.H. gold, Ches to G.B.H. silver.
Globe appears, interwhirling steel bands, very fast, slows down.
We see pillar, mildness 2 severity 2 mercy.
Man brings globe. Attributes [. .
.] to Norway and Binah to Klondike. I get restive. C.S. and
I both
We ascend again. White eagle
bearing corpse in mouth behind C.S. Corpse revives. This
sight is indescribably and unaccountably loathsome. crawls
towards C.S. He says it is his evil person in little. I
thought it was mine but said nothing. C.S.
Bright gorgeous figure, sword, arms outstretched thus.
We tested him and he was all right so we ask his name.
Akarab, spelling
אכארב a224 = 8
אקארה a307 = 10
We touch swords and receive influxes.
"I am difficult to find. Many blind alleys before I am seen. When ye call me I will come, but always with trouble."
We went up and found a red light column, which we ascended. We are in a hall. Foreplace, man, bearded, grey.
? Conformations as this.
People at long benches guzzling.
C.S. says they are good people and talks to a chairman.
They are vegetarians eating largely of meat to see what it is like.
C.S. gets tired physically.
I call Akheivah, who comes as a woman of great beauty.
I explain to C.S. Her hands are stretched to us to kiss.
We call he name aloud. She assumes earlier form (without sword). Tells us to go back and try another time. A golden chariot is behind us. We enter and drive to earth and rejoin out bodies.