Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Sunday 11 December 1898


Notes of Astral Travel



No. 12.

(25 minutes about.)


Sunday. December 11th.


(Evil persona inclined to [. . .] Geburah and Binah especially wanted.)


L.B.R. [Lesser Banishing Ritual] used, with additions.


Q X and exit.


Still in room. Person comes to me. Tests. Pentagram. He will keep off Elementals etc.


Red robes. He is a slim pale youth with a star on his forehead at first. He is always on my left side.


We move up sloping shining greenish place.


River. Guide throws water over left shoulder. Lily-angels appear. We ascend amid the lilies.


Temple. Bright worshippers. Ascend. Enter after prayer. White robes. The cubical stone of Vision 4; but it is not in a depression. Its size small. A man like Shakespeare kneeling before it. He is absorbed upwards. (Smoke?) We kneel. I behold a face in the transparency of the stone. It is white, bearded, majestic, old.


I feel my Neschamah drawn into the stone.


I am within. Astrals still kneel without.


I am probably an imperfect sphere.


After conversations with a similar intelligence (The face? though no longer seen as a face.) I draw my astral within and rejoin. I reascend.


I am without the stone.


White robes.


I pray to reenter. [HEB: N.Sh.M.H.] does so. I am strengthened etc and return within the stone.


Astral prostrate in worship.


I see my guide weep. I ask him will he not enter? “He is not purified.” We arise. Stone enormous. Figure on it. I pray for something to be granted me as I would return. A paper drops into my left hand. Guide takes it. We descend. Worshippers shout. I wait for guide but he is silent so I bless the people and descend the steps and move straight through over grass to a black stone roughly cubicle with an invisible circle around it.

Here I must do sacrifice. I take a large dove-grey semi-cut shape stone and lay it on the altar. I fancy a shape approaching from the left. I cry aloud. The sacrifice is consumed by fire. I sink confusedly. I am instantly in the room. I look around, pray, and resume the body with the Q X.


