Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Wednesday, 21 February 1900
[See Preparation for the Operation of the Sacred Magic of Abra-Melin the Mage for background information.]
The Book of the Operation of the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage
being the account of the events of my life, with notes on this Operation, by Perdurabo, an humble Aspirant thereto
I Perdurabo, Frater Ordinis Rosae Rubea et Aureaea Crucis.
A lord of the Paths in the Portal of the Vault of the Adepts.
A 5º=6o of the Order of the Golden Dawn; and an humble servant of the Christ of God; do this day spiritually bind myself anew:
by the Sword of Vengeance: by the Powers of the Elements: by the Cross of Suffering: that I will devote myself to the Great Work: the Obtaining of Communion with my own Higher and Divine Genius, (called the Guardian Angel) by means of the prescribed course: and that I will use any Power so obtained unto the Redemption of the Universe
So help me the Lord of the Universe and mine own Higher Soul!
Met Evelyn H. [Evelyn Hall] accidentally by U.C.L. [University College, London]. She reaffirms her statements: but her description of the "college chum" is absurd and her whole attitude ridiculous. She knows one fact only—the name Crowley at Cambridge.
The physical construction of the 238 symbols, even without any attempt to charge them, (the contrary, in fact) is a work of the most intense magical fatigue. 12 per diem is enough. Begin this work, therefore, many months before the actual start. This fatigue appears to diminish when well started. (or, one reaches squares purely telesmatic, with no definite invocation of Spirits.)
Before beginning. Ceremonially accept this Magic, as from God, taking the Obligation which Abramelin demanded from Abraham.
The squares are left in the interior of the altar before beginning the Six Moons—this probably as a precaution.
On Feb. 21, 1900, the frost preventing my temple being consecrated, I did invoke the Angels of Water of Air: using also the symbols Codselim, Paradilon, and Sagrir. Therefore did Tetragrammaton cause a great wind to arise, and a most vehement rain and tempest, that the green earth did appear from under the Snows. Whereat I did rejoice greatly and cease not day and night unto this hour in blessing and praising His Holy Name, who hath not permitted the Wicked Demon to have advantage and dominion over and against the least of His servants.