Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Saturday, 24 February 1900



[See Preparation for the Operation of the Sacred Magic of Abra-Melin the Mage for background information.]



Feb. 24. Die [...]

It is here fitting that I record the singular train of events occurring from Nov [18]'99 to date.


1. Shortly after my great trouble, Laura [Lady Etheldreda] warns me that I am in danger from the police. This from Astral; but she received an anonymous letter before coming here warning here that I "was about to be in trouble" (and that therefore she had better not be mixed up in it).


2. I went to town and saw I.A. [Allan Bennett] (very ill), called on Evelyn Hall (out) and left a note giving my address (H.C. [Hotel Cecil]). (Jan[uary] 11, 4 [i.e. Thursday].)


[January 13] Saturday. I went to V.N. over Sunday and Monday, saw I.A. till 7 o.clock.


This day Monday [January] 15th at 7.0 P.M. I got (at H.C.) two letters from Evelyn [Hall]. These say: you (and all you friends at 67 [Chancery Lane]) are watched by police. This is connected with "the brother of a college chum" but no doubt can be entertained of the meaning of her hints. She naively assumes the charge to be true!


[Later note:] Met Evelyn H[all] accidentally by UCL [University College London]. She reaffirms her statements: but her description of the "college chum" is absurd and her whole attitude ridiculous. She knows one fact only—the name Crowley at Cambridge.


I caught the night boat to Paris, as I had originally intended.


3. Tuesday. I am admitted to the Glory of Tiphareth [Initiated to 5º = 6o]. During this week, I ask S.R. [Macgregor Mathers] to judge the astrological figure of the time of reading aforesaid letters. He says: the news is true but you [Saturn on cusp of Capricornus] are very strong and the end of the matter is good. He advises me to avoid London; I may be seen in Cambridge only for a few days. By the Codselim symbol, I invoke the great Names of God the Vast One, and reach town safely.


4. I.A. and O.E. [Oscar Eckenstein] both jeer at my alarms: for, knowing already how Aweful are the Forces leagues against me, I am not surprised at these troubles: Neither do I fear them, yet to find me might be to spoil my plans. On regaining the thorny bosom of Alma Mater [i.e. Cambridge University], I meet Fra[ter] Gnothi Seauton [W.E.H. Humphreys]. He goes much further: but is even more mysterious than Evelyn Hall. He says: yes, you are "wanted" though he thinks [. . .] and adds "The danger is most pressing just before Easter." (Humphreys is certainly at this time manoeuvring to get me out of the way.) I wrote to V.N. [George Cecil Jones] asking his help. He thinks I am mad, or obsessed! I use the pantacle of the key of Solomon and reach Boleskine in Safety Feb 7.


5. Working at making the Symbols of the Third Book [of Abramelin], I receive Feb. 24 a letter from I.A. "I warn that you are in very grave danger" having thrice been visited by the Angel of the Lord in the visions of his head upon his bed. "A certain thing more sacred than sphere of Sensation broken," as he told me later.


This may be either (1) that I am in danger of my True Circle being broken or (2) Politics or the other silliness. In any case "some of me escapes."


I therefore resolve to invoke Heru-pa-kraat-ist: to keep the Symbols locked up in the Altar: and for the other, to cast myself upon the Providence of God: that He may give His Angels charge over me, to keep me in all my ways. So mote it be!


I did therefore invocate with a devout mind and reverent voice the Lord Harpocrates: thus was my prayer heard, and I am yet safe from all mine enemies: unto Him be the glory for ever!



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