Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Monday, 5 March 1900



[See Preparation for the Operation of the Sacred Magic of Abra-Melin the Mage for background information.]



Dismissed Angels of Fire and Air.


[Crowley's plans for the upcoming Friday and Sunday]



Particulars of the Fast of 3 days.

At 6.0 p.m. let the Fast begin.


During this evening let the Psalms of David be recited and meditated upon.


Lunch at 12.0 noon to consist of eggs, milk, scones, and fruit. And so on till 6.0 p.m. when the fast is broken by a meal of meat.


Evening carries a letter to D.D.C.F. [Macgregor Mathers] enclosing £ 7.0.0 for alms to poor that they may say Psalms or Pater and Ave.


On the day of receiving his reply or on Saturday rise before dawn, make the general confession of my whole life and the obligation, as set down hereafter, receiving the Operation as from God. This day is also to be observed as a fast, Friday sunset to Saturday sunset.



Accept Op[eration] and Ob[ligation] of it.


Make a dic[tionary] of all words in Abr[amelin] squares and Spirit names.



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