Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Sunday, 11 March 1900



[See Preparation for the Operation of the Sacred Magic of Abra-Melin the Mage for background information.]



I painted the Leo Kerub of Venus for poetic inspiration, and the rose-haired one E.S.D. [E.S.R.?] and I saw in our Binah vision I suppose him to be Etzelekanu, the first of the 4 servient angels in Fire of Water which angle I had stirred up.


I also read I.A.'s [Allan Bennett] invocations for Fra[ter] F[inem] R[espice] [Robert W. Felkin] and certain of my own. My waking in the morning was after a certain dream, in which some of the incidents were undesirable. I went over in my mind all the evil of my past life and must have gone to sleep while thus engaged. I continued this exercise on waking, and did sorely lament how weak and miserable I was still.


O Lady of the Land of Dreams! Divine One that shapest the eidolon of my unconscious thought! Make thyself a pure and lovely shrine—let nor my body be the habitation of the unclean and evil. Let it be the Temple of the Rosy Cross!


O Angels, ye that throng the Worlds of Sleep! Let your pure rays inform my memory; your pure clear voices dwell in my ears: that I may rise each morning with new knowledge new aspirations: unto the glory of His Ineffable Name who liveth and reigneth for ever and ever as the Balance of Righteousness and Truth!


Zodacare eca od Zodameranu [?] !   Odo kikale Quaa.  Zodoriege [?] lope [?] zodiredo noc mada: hoathalie [?]  IAIDA!


Yet in this sleep I got the idea that my "man of majestic appearance" would probably be a fascinating female occultist who would tempt me by great ideas of self-sacrifice, etc., etc. I will now meditate upon Yesod that Shu, and that ShDI may initiate my A[utomatic] C[onsciousness] to its Kether.


So I devised a Flashing Tablet, having its being in Yesod. Thus: In the midst the God Blessed be He! Supporteth the firmament in the sign of 2º=9o Cynocephali adoring. Hieroglyphics surround Him, of diverse import; yet to end. The ground in Indigo. Around this is a Violet circle, having the name ShDI AL ChI duly written. And around this is a very dark circle of Purple, nearly Black wherein is the Name in Coptic. Outside this again the ground is of Citrine flecked with Azure (whereupon the Litanies of Shu are written in Hieroglyphs). And for two hours and more did I draw and begin the painting of this potent and wonderful talisman. For the God Himself was upon me, and guided my miserable hand.



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