Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Sunday, 11 March 1900
[See Preparation for the Operation of the Sacred Magic of Abra-Melin the Mage for background information.]
I painted the Leo Kerub of Venus for poetic inspiration, and the rose-haired one E.S.D. [E.S.R.?] and I saw in our Binah vision I suppose him to be Etzelekanu, the first of the 4 servient angels in Fire of Water which angle I had stirred up.
I also read I.A.'s [Allan Bennett] invocations for Fra[ter] F[inem] R[espice] [Robert W. Felkin] and certain of my own. My waking in the morning was after a certain dream, in which some of the incidents were undesirable. I went over in my mind all the evil of my past life and must have gone to sleep while thus engaged. I continued this exercise on waking, and did sorely lament how weak and miserable I was still.
O Lady of the Land of Dreams! Divine One that shapest the eidolon of my unconscious thought! Make thyself a pure and lovely shrine—let nor my body be the habitation of the unclean and evil. Let it be the Temple of the Rosy Cross!
O Angels, ye that throng the Worlds of Sleep! Let your pure rays inform my memory; your pure clear voices dwell in my ears: that I may rise each morning with new knowledge new aspirations: unto the glory of His Ineffable Name who liveth and reigneth for ever and ever as the Balance of Righteousness and Truth!
Zodacare eca od Zodameranu [?] ! Odo kikale Quaa. Zodoriege [?] lope [?] zodiredo noc mada: hoathalie [?] IAIDA!
Yet in this sleep I got the idea that my "man of majestic appearance" would probably be a fascinating female occultist who would tempt me by great ideas of self-sacrifice, etc., etc. I will now meditate upon Yesod that Shu, and that ShDI may initiate my A[utomatic] C[onsciousness] to its Kether.
So I devised a Flashing Tablet,
having its being in Yesod. Thus: In the midst the God