Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Monday, 12 March 1900
[See Preparation for the Operation of the Sacred Magic of Abra-Melin the Mage for background information.]
I woke, after a long dream of various import: still, alas, not altogether as I could hope (My memory is not very clear about this) I performed the ablutions, and invoked the LORD OF THE UNIVERSE, in his presence reciting the 7 prescribed Psalms, with many petitions for aid, purity, etc. The fast ended at 6.0 p.m.
Now it is said of Shu that he causes great pain to Earth keeping it and the firmament asunder. Thus also Jesod acts as a barrier, preventing Malkuth from uniting with Tiphereth. I mention this, because of what follows.
In bed, I invoked the Fire angels and spirits on the tablet, with names, etc., and the 6th Key.[1] I then (as H.P.K. [Hoor-Paa-Kraat.]) entered my crystal. An angel, meeting me, told me among other things, that They (of the tablets) were at war with the angels of the 30 Aethyrs, to prevent the squaring of the circle. I went with him unto the abodes of Fire in [the[ East, but must have fallen asleep, or nearly so. Anyhow, I regained consciousness in a very singular state 1/2 cons[ciousness] being there, and 1/2 here. I recovered and banished the Spirits but was burning all over, and tossed restlessly about—very sleepy, but consumed of fire! Only repeated careful assumption of H.P.K. god-form enabled me to regain my normal state. I had a long dream of a woman eloping, whom I helped, and after of a man stealing my R[ose] C[ross] jewel from a dressing-table in a hotel. I caught him and found him a weak man beyond natural (I could bend or flatten him at will)[2] and then the dream seemed to lose coherence—I carried him about and found a hairbrush to beat him, etc., etc. Query: Was I totally obsessed?
1—The Enochian Keys of Dr. Dee.—A.C. 2—This incident was once quoted by one of my critics as illustrative of the absurdity of Magick—as if Magick were responsible for the irrationality of dreams!—A.C.