Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Sunday, 25 March 1900



[See Preparation for the Operation of the Sacred Magic of Abra-Melin the Mage for background information.]



12.10 a.m. I have invoked [Shu] as I never invoked before! First L.B.R. [Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram]. Vibrate ShDI AL ChI [Hebrew] with S[igns] from R[itual] then inv[oked] impromptu, assumed his form and attributes. Charged tel[esma] by will and sealed by K[habs] A[m] P[ekht] R. and C. by lamp and lo! I saw you to the end. Now for the vision!


I fancy I must have got too active: I saw little and fell asleep. But my dreams were all as they should be.


An idea that the planetary, etc., influence at time of waking determines dreams.



[69], [70], [71], [399]