Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Thursday, 29 March 1900



[See Preparation for the Operation of the Sacred Magic of Abra-Melin the Mage for background information.]



I had gone to sleep meditating [on] L.V.X. and woke very early still doing this (Curious dreams of prison-breaking—eventual arrival at E[ast]bourne—regata—tendency to E'bourne habits.)




L. Yod = Lamed = and HICES

= Moon. On Tree





V = as rebirth  (Phoenix Wand)  Does V

= and Teth = serpent ———




X = Samech and Osiris



[Note. In pencil on opposite side of note-book.] "L, sowing seed. V, apparent corruption. X, resurrection."


     Now also I think there is a change of god-form here connoted. Chief Adept with wand = Thoouth or HICES with Crook and Scourge = Second A[dept] would be HOOR or or more obviously Apophis. The question is whether Apophis is not only the evil dyad: but the dual nature. I clearly get the pyramid formula of attracting light. Yet the manner of vibration is difficult. Closing of plumes of Amon. There is a great equilibrium of the officers; and they seem to overlap and interchange. Thus S[econd Adept] has wand sacred to Osiris and T[hird Adept] to Isis, while C[hief Adept] has the Caduceus. Yet in function are the officers very similar to 0=0.



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