Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Saturday, 7 April 1900



Find vault locked. See M[a] W[ahanu] Th[hesi] [Marcus Worsley Blackden]. V.N. [George Cecil Jones].  wires. D.D.C.F.'s [Macgregor Mathers] letter forwarded to me. Fidelis [Elaine Simpson] appoints Sunday morning [for a meeting]. D.D.C.F. accepts my services, therefore do I rejoice, that my sacrifice is accepted. Therefore do I again postpone the Operation of Abramelin the Mage, having by God's Grace formulated even in this a new link with the Higher, and gained a new weapon against the Great Princes of the Evil of the World.





(1) Full att[ributio]n  [of] Enochian alphabet to Geom[ancy] and Coptic, etc. (Not done.)

(2) Symbolism 5º=6o (if having to act as C[hief] A[dept].)

(3) Magot and Kore.

(4) H[oor] P[ar] K[raat] formula of invisibility.

(5) Current for vault—strength and wisdom, etc.




[NOTE: On opposite page a Tarot divination:]

Shall I go to London re S[econd] O[rder]? Fortune and hope to the Universe.


The Imperator? The fortune of the Imperator will change. Hope that reconcilement will avert destruction by fire. The Universe shall be led to the Initiatrix to the Sun.


[Another divination on the next page:]

Good fortune and unexpected help in the matter. The strife inspires a change. An involuntary change finally decides for glory, gain etc.



1—The want list was written in pencil with items 2 to 5 ticked.



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