Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Friday, 13 April 1900
Left Paris 11.50 a.m. The history of my mission: is it not written in the Book of the Chronicles of the Revolt of the Adepti?*
Left Paris on this business. Cab-lamps catch fire. Slight Trouble at first with Perseverantia [Alice Simpson]; so put her through questions. Ditto Resurgam [Edward Berridge].
Slept Paddington Hotel. Runaway horse. Fidelis' [Elaine Simpson] fire has refused to burn.
* The Book of the Chronicles of the Revolt of the Adepti.
A Consideration.
It was told me by a V.H. Frater since resigned concerning a certain fog or mist about me. V.N.R. [Moina Mathers] confirms this. It floats about me and is m____ b____ to obsess or vampirise.
It is written, "Clouds and darkness are under his feet."
Banish [with] Pentagram and Hexagram. Purify [with] Water and Fire.
Invoke Higher by names Hices
Conjure fog to V[isible] A[ppearance]. By [Divine] names [of] Binah, Yesod. Purify it [with] Water and Fire. Compel its obedience. Command it to place itself beneath feet.
Invoke Higher, use Adonai Ha-Aretz formula.
Close. Great speech and key-word.
Notes of the London Row.
S.S.D.D. [Florence Farr] cannot work [any] longer with S.R.[M.D.] [MacGregor Mathers] as she knows he is definitely working against England, and using o[ther] b[rethren] of [the] O[rder] for this end. C.S. = J.L.B. [Julian L. Baker].
Jan. 20, 1900. V.N. [George Cecil Jones] hears from S.R. that S.S.D.D. wants Isis[-Urania Temple] closed. L[evavi] O[culos] [Percy William Bullock] confirms as S[econd] O[rder] resolution. The 3 questions are put.
D.D.C.F. [MacGregor Mathers] is told [that there is an] "astral jar" in I.-U.T. [Isis-Urania Temple]. This is a lie. Politics the real base.
D.D.C.F.'s reply "Take it or leave it!" Will not close I.-U.T [Isis Urania Temple].
Meeting V.N. crushes L.O. Vote of
censure on V.N. suggested. M.W.Th. [Marcus
Worsley Blackden]
They write again. S.S.D.D. will continue until successor found. Hole and corner meeting arranged. S.S.[D.D.] has heard from S.R. and slept on it: will show it and does. Contents secret. V.N. has seen it.
They ask for further information [about the "true" founding of the Order] and tell S.R. of "Committee." V.N. attends a meeting and they write "Please further information of cir[cumstances regarding the] Founding [of the] Order."
General meeting S.O. Committee gets itself elected.
Committee thinks it has power to arraign S.R. at the bar, or to call him to resign [as Imperator].
Apparently D.D.C.F. ipse "doubts" authenticity of [Cipher] MSS.
N.B.: They do not approve of S[apere]
A[ude] [William Wynn Westcott].
V.N. distrusts R[esurgam] [Edward Berridge].
Hist[orical] Lecture [of
the Golden Dawn]. 3 [Chiefs]
Another Lie. S.R.[M.D.]'s Latest V.N.
C.S. [Julian L. Baker] very shy of talking. Undesirable class of people being admitted. Thinks whole thing—everything will collapse. They have no obligation to a forger and therefore can continue on their own. [Ritual Document] Z2 all rot; even more than other knowledge. Revolt scheme nearly universal.
M.W.Th.'s point merely technical—Warrant, etc. Any strong lie will secure his allegiance and that of many others. D.E.D.I. [W.B. Yeats] and possibly S.S.D.D. Cipher [MSS.] authenticity he has never heard question. If S.R. is not 7º=4o then there is no S.O. and no G[olden] D[awn] and no obligations and no nuffin. S.A. yielded from fear.
A Scheme of Action Proposed by P.[erdurabo] to S.R.
I. The S.O. to be summoned at various times during two or three days. They find, on being admitted one by one, a masked man in authority and a scribe. These questions, etc. pass, after pledged of secrecy concerning the interview.
A. Are you convinced of the doctrines and knowledge received in the grade of 5º=6o? Yes or No?
If yes (1) Then their origin can spring from a pure source only?
If no (2) I degrade you to be a L[ord or Lady] of the P[aths in the] P[ortal] of [the] V[ault of the Adepts].
B. Are you satisfied with the logic of the statement? Do you solemnly promise to cease these unseemly disputes as to the headship of this Order? I for my part can assure you that from my own knowledge D.D.C.F. is really a 7º=4o.
If yes (3) Then you will sign this paper; it contains a solemn reaffirmation of your Ob[ligation] as a 5º=6o, slightly expanded, and a pledge to support heartily the new regulations.
If no (4) I expel you from the Order.
II. The practice of masks is to be introduced. Each member will know only the member who introduced him.
Severe test of the c[andidate]'s moral excellence, courage, earnestness, humility, refusal to do wrong, to be inserted in Portal or5º=6o ritual.
III. Outer [Order] to be summoned. Similar regulations announced to them. New pledge required that they will not communicate the identity of anybody they happen to have known to any other member.
IV. Reorg[anization] of [the] O[rder].
Fidelis [Elaine Simpson] and Perseverantia [Alice Simpson]—just back. Will affirm authority of Chief; demand opening of rooms, etc. Will aid Chief in any way, placing their time, or that of Fidelis in particular, at D.D.C.F.'s disposal. Resurgam said to hold similar views. But Perseverantia opposes him on astral—Lake Harris.
Must be one authority.
D.E.D.I. [W.B. Yeats] has said: "We have enough for all mag[ical] advancement in this life and can get along without S.R.".
All agree there is no Ob[ligation] to return MSS.
Non Sine Numine [Col. James Webber-Smith] loyal [to Mathers].
Instructions from [Mathers] in Paris.
1. See M.W.Th. [and] get addresses of [members of] S.O. If he cannot get them, wire S.R.
2. Yale lock on doors, 50 keys. Put on at once. ["Done"—later added by Crowley.] 12 masks of Osiris to be made.
3. Alter hinged doors. No door except Venus to be used.
4. Letter to Fidelis. Miss Cracknell's [Maud Cracknell] secrecy. Letter to Resurgam to give up key to F[idelis].
5. Circular to S.O. "C[are] et V[ery] H[onoured] Fra[ter] or Sor[or]: You are invited to appear at Headquarters at ____ A.M. on the ____ inst[ant]. D.D.C.F. Zelators called first; Theorici after."
6. Hire chucker-out.
7. Authority; (a) to A[leister] C[rowley's 5º=6o] to be legal. (b) to Perdurabo [for] S.O. (c) Envoy and Council. (d) Perdurabo [for] Outer [Order].
8. Robes of C[hief] A[dept]. Wand. Resurgam [will be] S[econd] A[dept]. Fidelis [will be] Third A[dept].
9. Five questions and answers.
10. Pledge of Allegiance.
11. M.W.Th. prepares new Warrant and sends to Paris to sign.
12. New Chiefs. Resurgam Sub-Imp[erator]. V.N. Praemonst[rator] if all well. List of present Chiefs sent over and exact offices to be sent. Will Resurgam act as rep[resentative] in Lond[on] S.O. and Sub-Imper[ator] in I.-U.T. Fid[elis] and Pers[everantia] Chiefs of the Isis[-Urania Temple in the Outer].
13. Sapiens Dominabitur Astris [was a] woman, v[ery] stout, v[ery] fair, she [possessed the powers to] change [her appearance from] youth to age and vice versa. 5º=6o or more. ["Mrs. Horos or Howes or Dutton."—later added by Crowley.]
Magus Sidera Regit [Theo Horus] [is a] man. Looks young (25-30) short. Very fair. Does not look strong but is extremely so. 4=7. ["Theo Horos [has a] bald patch [on his head] growing over it v[ery] yellow [hair]."—later added by Crowley.]
Sapentia Ad Beneficiendum Homnibus v[ery] dark rather like Emery [Florence Farr]. ["Mrs. Dr. Adams"—later added by Crowley.]
They may say they have come to settle up G.D. Accept nothing from these, but wire S.R. Don't be had by conjuring. Be courteous but firm.
If I am feeble or ill or worried, and if fires refuse to burn, she [Madame Horos] may be expected. They are "celibates." What ho! The real H.P.B. [Helena Petrovna Blavatsky] and the real S.D.A. can incarnate in her. They—her forces—have been against S.R. for long. Prob[ably] knows Brodie-Innes [J.W. Brodie-Innes]. Maybe Jesuits. Her occult name is Swami Vive Ananda.
Weapons Against Them.
Separate them. Arrest them for theft as very last resort—travelling bags of S.R. stolen. Wire their real address to S.R. if found.
MacG[regor] symbols—tartan and dirks. Shoulder-plaid overhead to isolate. H.P.K. Use their own currents against them.
Symbol of [Rose Cross Lamen]. Use only to invoke aid of D.D.C.F. in matter of present Order troubles. Keep absolutely private.
Seal of Saturn to strike fear: [Seal] of Jupiter [for] authority and geniality. [Seal of] Mercury to ally my soul to forces of divine light.
Symbols of Saturn over r[ight] or l[eft] of or at door, so that those who pass come under the terror of Saturn.
Symbol of Sun to my r[ight]. Moon to my l[eft], Jupiter at my chair or behind "to reestablish harmony of place for certain time."
[Symbol of] Mercury about hair of persons to make 'em talk.
Fidelis says Resurgam not trusted and too slow.