Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Friday, 11 January 1901



[On opposite side of page Crowley wrote "Jan 11"]


In Nomine Dei

Inspiret Naturae Regina Isis


 At the end of the Century

At the end of the Year

At the Hour of Midnight

did I complete and bring to perfection

the work of L.I.L.


in Mexico: even as I did receive it from him who is reincarnated in me: and this work is to the best of my knowledge a synthesis of what the Gods have given unto me, so far as is possible without violating my obligations unto the Chiefs of the R.R. et A.C.. Now did I deem it well that I should rest awhile, before resuming my labours in the Great Work, seeing that he, who sleepeth never, shall fall by the wayside and also remembering the twofold sign: the Power of Horus: and the Power of Hoor-pa-Kraat.


Now the year being yet young, one Oscar Eckenstein came unto me, and spake. And he spake not any more (as had been his wont) in guise of a skeptick and indifferent man: but indeed with the very voice and power of a Great Guru or one definitely sent from such a Brother of the Great White Lodge.


Yea! though he spake unto me words all of disapproval, did I give thank and grace to God that He deemed my folly worthy to attract His Wisdom.


And, after days, did my Guru not leave me in my state of humiliation and, as I may say, despair: but spake words of comfort, saying: "Is it not written that if thine Eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light?" Adding: "In Thee is no power of mental concentration or control of thought: and without this thou mayest achieve nothing".


Under his direction therefore I began to apply myself unto the practice of Raj-Yoga at the same time avoiding all, even the smallest consideration of things occult, as also he bade me.


