Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Wednesday, 20 March 1901
M[orning Meditation] Red cross. Fair. A human hand opening and closing. Medium success, but ended very well by counting 100 motions.
E[vening Meditation] Instructions: 1. To imagine O.E. [Oscar Eckenstein] standing in front of me in his climbing clothes. 2. To forbid the figure to move its limbs. 3. To allow the figure to change, as a whole, its illumination position or appearance. 4. To observe any phenomena in connection therewith.
Result. O. E. leaning on axe, a shade difficult to fix at once. Figure at once went 35 degrees to my left and stayed. Observed scarlet Tiphareth and blue Gimel path up. Head bluish light. Also sun blaze in Tiph[areth]. Fig[ure] had power to reduplicate itself at various further distances. But main figure very steady. Devil (in shape like some antediluvian beast) lowered over him. ? time.
Features became difficult to see: had to be willed. (Lesiosaurus). Vast shadowy form including O. E.
Questions "How do you judge of distances of secondary replicas of me?" Ans[wer]. By size only.
Comments. 1. Test partially failed. 2. As far as it succeeded, O. E. expected his figure to move more often. 3. Vast shadowy form above very satisfactory and promising. 2 my fault and 3 my credit.