Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Friday, 22 March 1901
M[orning Meditation] Red cross to compose myself. Headache, toothache and neuralgia in the old place. So did not try living object.
A[fternoon Meditation] 1 1/4 minutes. O.E. [Oscar Eckenstein] sitting hands on knees like a God. Spiral flight up to great height—descended by expanding to great size. The spiral was invoking. No further change apparent.
Comments. The hidden secret is the change of size and distance not being in accordance with optical laws. No one has kept living objects dead still. One of two things may occur. (a) Figure stays in one spot, but alters in size. (b) It remains same apparent size, but alters in distance.
Fakir theories about this: (1) That l.o. is reflection of actual l.o. purely unreal. (2) Discovery of a person's character? Q[uestion]. Is A. pious. If he gets big he is very pious. Q[uestion]. Is B. a villain? If he shrivels he is a small villain. Also ordinary occult things—e.g. change of face etc. There are further theories re[garding] disintegration of man.
Theories re[garding] danger of this process (to meditator and meditatee alike).