Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Sunday, 31 March 1901



Arrived in Mexico [City] and received the alarming news that E.B.C. [Emily Bertha Crowley] was coming out here. This matter and others I discussed with O.E. [Oscar Eckenstein] during Monday and Tuesday. We came to the following agreement.


1. To climb Citlaltepetl, Nevado de Toluca and Popocatepetl together.


2. That I may use his Mexican photographs for my book on the climb here.


3. (1) being accomplished, O.E. to return to England (on April 30 approx.): I to go to Japan, Hong Kong and Ceylon: or to Texas, dependent on the affairs of H.M. of S----


4. That not later than October 31, 1901, I will wire definitely to him whether to join me on an Indian expedition or not; at my own discretion entirely.


5. An affirmative decision to be a pledge of honour that I will carry the scheme through, and include O.E.'s own assent without further word from him.


6. Such expedition to have as object the ascent of a mountain higher than any climbed previously, according to O.E. his information.


7. Death, serious illness, or vital affairs to cancel (5) on either part.


8. £500.0.0 to be at O.E.'s disposal at date of October 31.


9. He is to take all responsibilities of preparing the expedition in England: to have authority to accept a third man in the party, if such a person pays his share: or to arrange for Dr Karl Blodig to join us, by insurance or otherwise, if a special sum of money be added for this particular purpose: and to be responsible for the safe arrival of the party and baggage in place and date appointed by him.


10. I to assume responsibility dating from conclusion of (9): but to have at all times the right of consulting him, whatever the circumstances may be. But if we be 3 whites, a majority will decide: or if 4, in the case of equality, I am to have a casting vote: but, in a purely mountain question, no member of the party is to be forced to incur what he considers danger against his will, whether that danger is from mountain causes or otherwise (e.g. starvation): nor to be obliged, anywhere to risk his life.


Each member of the party to have the right to demand his orders in writing. N.B. This should always be done when separation of the party is involved.


11. All members of the party to pledge themselves to have nothing to do with women in any way whatsoever that is possibly avoidable nor to purchase any single article without O.E.'s knowledge and consent: nor to interfere in any way what ever with native prejudices and beliefs.


This arrangement gives the general scheme. O.E. will draw up a modified scheme for my approval. Chancellor, London, Excelsior. Crowley. On T.D.L. receiving this cablegram they will notify O.E. and allow him to draw the £500 as agreed.


