Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Saturday, 27 April 1901



Fortune by Wong Gong.




Good family.


Quick learner.


Only one or two brothers or sisters.


From 1 to 5 all right.


5 to 10 sickness.


10 to 15 good studies.


15 - 17 much loved by girl.


15-20 everything very good.


20-25 great aunt died.


Age right.


I make much and spend much money.


Everything all right.


25, 26, 27 be careful.


28 change to 36 I marry.


35 to 600 all right make much money.


41-60 best time in my life. Very happy etc.


61-67 all right.


68 bad obstacle to pass but if I do, live to 75.


3 kids only once married.


Rich wife.


Better luck in 1st 6 months of year and in 1st 15 days of month.


Lots of good friends.


'Ware red face and sap-aye. ?


