Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Saturday, 4 May 1901
Prithivi-Apas.[1] 45m[inutes].
Also went on an Astral Journey to Japan. In which I found myself crossing great quantities of Coral-pearl entangled with seaweed and shells. After having journeyed for some time I came to a spot where I saw the form of a King standing above that of Venus who was surrounded by many mermaids; they all had the appearance of having just been frozen. Above the nymphs bowing towards them were many pale yellow angels chained together, and amongst them stood Archangels of a pale silver which flashed forth rays of gold. Above all was the Formless Light. The Archangels showed me curious types of horned beings riding along a circle in different directions.
1—In all cases when the name alone is mentioned a meditation practice is understood. Prithivi-Apas corresponds to water of earth. It is symbolized by a silver crescent drawn within a yellow square.