Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Sunday, 19 May 1901
Ham[let] II ii 264-6.
Bathed twice.
1. Assumption of the god-form of Harpocrates: It lasted nine minutes: the result was good, for I got a distinct aura around me.
2. Physical Astral Projection. I formed a sphere which took a human shape but rather corpse-like. I then projected a gray ray from the left side of my head; this was very tiring and there was no result physically.
3. Concentrated on imaginary self for 10 m[inutes] and then projected self into it with fearful force. Chiah nearly passed.
4. Red sphere darkened and glorified and returned to light in Tiphareth—The result was good!
Probably as result of A[stral] P[rojection] P[hys.]—a horrible dream. Broken images in my Shrine—reconciliation with Emery [Florence Farr]—some foulest sexual ideas—and Fidelis [Elaine Simpson] running like a golden cord throughout.